David Moore of St. Charles Missouri is a darn good writer! Let’s get that right up front!
In fact, David Moore is such a good writer that he came within one single vote of winning the $1,000 top prize in the 18 years old and over category of the Brave Enough To Write, short story contest which benefits Brave Enough To Fail Inc. a 501 (C) 3 nonprofit that provides free motivational programs and scholarships to high schools. learn more about Brave Enough to Fail here and Subscribe to our newsletter to get early word on the next contest!
“Love, Life, and Bacon” is a really cool story about…well, Love Life and Bacon, but not in the way you think. To say any more would spoil it for you.
Just read it Here! Love_Life_And_Bacon
And by the way, David’s personal story is so compelling and inspiring that we posted it in it’s entirety below. Read it and be inspired to go after your dream, whatever it is!
My early education was, in the simplest of terms, lacking.
Before I had changed schools, I had been in a less than reputable school closer to the St. Louis area. The school had been so bad that when I had entered the second-grade in my new school I was behind and had to attend a special class that was meant to help me learn to read and write on the same level as the other students in my grade. Through these special education classes, I was able to become a better reader but was never quite able to get on the same level of the other students in my same grade. This was a problem that followed me out of elementary school and led to me being required to attend more special education classes through middle school and into high school.
It was in these classes that I found a passion for writing. We would write little stories which were intended to help us gain a better understanding of how sentences were structured as well as introduce us to new words. Writing these short stories had always been one of my favorite exercises but having as much trouble as I had with reading and writing a career as an author seemed absurd. The short stories I had written were never intended to get me anywhere. They were simply something I did because I liked to do it. In fact, the idea of being a professional writer was so far out of my mind that in my entire academic career I have only ever had one creative writing course that I attended my senior year of high school. The only other writing courses I had ever had were those that came as general credit courses in college. (English comp, Technical writing, etc.) But, even with the idea of being a writer far from my mind I never stopped writing. Short stories and half-finished novels of distant worlds, medieval towns under siege, and many other tales of woe and triumph. They were always for fun and always just for me.
It was many years later while I was working as a marketing designer and listening to the Harry Potter audio book series (for the fourth time) that I found a sudden burning inspiration in me. I felt for some strange and unknowable reason like I could be a writer if I really wanted to. So, I began writing again but with more intent and more passion for being a writer, not just as a hobby. I am now wrapping up the final edits to my first novel, which will be book one of a three to four book series that I hope will be my path to a career as an author.
Having a career as an author isn’t just for me. It’s something that I hope to be able to show my daughter when she gets older. Something I can hold up and say “Look I followed my dream. I worked for it and it came true.” and maybe, if I’m very lucky, I can one day inspire her as much as she inspires me to keep going every day.
By David Moore