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Pahrump Nevada Author Wins Back-to-Back Nationwide Writing Championships

Updated: Sep 24

Brave Enough To Fail Nevada Author

The Summer 2019 Brave Enough To Write short story contest asked writers and would-be writers to submit their stories of ten thousand words or less in any genre except erotica. Up for grabs, Two $1,000 top prizes for the best story by an author 17 years old or younger and the best story by an author 18 and over.

Proceeds from the contest benefit nonprofit Brave Enough To Fail Inc. America’s #1 student motivational program which inspires young people with the courage to achieve their dreams by providing free motivational presentations and scholarships to high schools nationwide.

Nearly two hundred authors from across the nation as well as from Italy and Great Britain answered the challenge.

Winning back-to-back championships is not easy. Yeah, Tom Brady may make it look as if its not that hard, but it is truly difficult. Only eight teams have actually won the Super Bowl back-to-back. According to the late coach of the 49ers, Bill Walsh once said that winning a first Super Bowl is enormously easier than winning a second or third.

Well folks, Sarah Tehuiotoa of Pahrump Nevada is making winning look easy. For the second time in row she has taken first place in the Brave Enough To Write 18 and over category and scored a check for $1,000!

And she did it with a totally different panel of judges, none of whom knew of her or her previous work. Which makes the accomplishment that much more spectacular!

The 22 year old graduate of UNLV is currently working as a substitute English teacher. She thanks her fellow writers and a crazy but awesome creative writing professor for pushing her to become a better writer. Sarah offers a bit of advice for other writers,

“I think everyone has doubts about what they’re supposed to be doing, but I’ve learned to keep on going and growing and learning (you can never learn too much). And I’ve learned to trust that God has a plan, and He’s put a passion in my heart for writing for a reason.”

Panel Judge David Glass, Senior Creative Director, Viacom Comedy Central, MTV said,

“Give the gold to “The With Woman” it is incredibly well written, finely crafted, with a fantastic ear for dialogue.”

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