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Sarah Tehuitoa Wins $1,000 Grand Prize in Nationwide Short Story Contest

Updated: Sep 30

Sarah T Winner pic Brave Enough To Fail

Sarah Tehuitoa is a 21 year old English major from Pahrump Nevada, commutes weekly to classes at University of Las Vegas.  She is working her way through college by working at a grocery store. She entered the contest on her 21st birthday. Sarah says,

“All I have ever wanted to be is a writer. It’s been my dream ever since I was little, and I haven’t been able to give it up so far. Books and music are my passion, but if I had to chose between the two, I wouldn’t ever be able to give up my writing. So far, it’s been a rough road. I mean, I’ve had a great life so far, no problems whatsoever, but it’s not exactly been easy for me having a dream that doesn’t exactly have a stable future. My parents are always telling me to make sure that I have a job that I can support myself in, but I’ve always equated that with having something like an office job because my dream is not exactly steady. But now, well, I think I have a chance.”

She most definitely has more than just a chance according to contest judge Ethan Carey, host of the Rock & Roll Morning Show on WRKI I-95FM.  He says Miss Tehuitoa’s writing style reminds him of James Patterson or Daniel Silva.

Her short story, “The Sands of Time” is a gritty (pun intended) tale of love, loss, despair, and just maybe a shot at redemption with a dash of magic thrown in as a tantalizing garnish. That recipe was just enough to get a one vote edge on the second place finisher and claim the $1,000 grand prize in the 18 years and older category of the Brave Enough To Write, short story contest which benefits Brave Enough To Fail Inc. a 501 (C) 3 nonprofit that provides free motivational programs and scholarships to high schools. Learn more about Brave Enough to Fail here  and Subscribe to our newsletter to get early word on the next contest!

Read The Sands of Time here The_Sands_of_Time_by_Sarah Tehuiotoa

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