This school year we reached over 1,000 students across 5 cities and awarded $7,000 in new scholarships.
From the Brave Enough To Fail team (Pictured Above) at the Random Hacks of Kindness JR. event at Canterbury School to the BOSS Academy classes, presentations and scholarships, we are truly cultivating a new generation of leaders, creators and achievers. Thank you for your support!

We launched and graduated a new BOSS Academy class in partnership with Lifebridge Community Services in Bridgeport, CT.

BOSS Academy Facilitator Bill Trotta with two Bridgeport BOSS Academy Graduates.

Our 4th class of BOSS Academy Graduates at Faith Preparatory School in New Milford, CT.
We equip students with the tools to pursue their dreams and financial aid to actually reach their dreams.
What we are doing next!
We redesigned the BOSS Academy Hoodie

1: Brave Enough To Fail has officially partnered with P-Tech Norwalk High School to provide a unique BOSS Academy program that will span the entire upcoming school year!
Including training our very first BOSS Academy Student Mentors!
2: BOSS Academy program at LifeBridge Community Services in Bridgeport adds second year
3: BOSS Academy is now an official in-school elective at Faith Preparatory School
4: Danbury Youth Services has selected our “Be The BOSS of Your Dream” presentation once again to launch their Summer Youth Employment Program
How you can help!

Learn more at www.BraveEnoughToFail.org